Have you heard the supposed 'If I Were A Boy' demo??
Well im not sure if this is the official demo sample of the highly anticipated 1st. single by Beyonce, but this is what's been floating around the net. I guess we'll all have to wait and see, if it is it might be cool seeing Beyonce trying something new. Im sure when Beyonce gets the track they are going to flip up alot. I like this tune tho, check it out ok?! I don't see it matching the music video stills we've all seen so i don't know. It's still a great song probably just has the same title it's by an artist named BC Jean.
hmm, i dont know, it sounds differnt, nothing shes ever done b4...i dunno..
the cover is hot btw
Is this the Demo for Beyonce's new single "If I Were a Boy"-Kaleos Music Boom Box
Well supposably the song is midtempo, like irreplaceable...so I've heard.
i cant believe this is a thing beyonce could do x.x
is totally normal...
no, just NO y-y im sure that she is bringing something more powerful
i hope that's not it that not somthing i want to hear beyonce sing shec can't come with something that's that sub par
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